Balanced Being Wholistic Services Inc.

Balance leads to harmony. Find your balance.

Flower Tinctures

~Purified Holy Water. Flower Essence. Top Shelf Brandy.~

(A-K Flower Essence Tinctures):



Helps one to get to the emotional heart of the matter of causes of anxiety, depression, hysteria, indecision, insomnia & mental fatigue.  Strengthens connection to one’s own body.

 ~Black-Eyed Susan~

Courageously brings light to the shadow-self; healing patterned rifts in psyche so that wholeness of self can be achieved. Ideal if suffering from low self-esteem & emotional unrest. Strengthens meridian system.


Assists in releasing feelings of guilt, failure & insecurity; aids in moving forward with strong self-confidence


Combats drowsy, dreamy & indifferent or disconnected states. Ideal for those who lack enthusiasm of everyday life. Helps to fully awaken one to “present”, enabling fulfillment of purpose.


Encourages eagerness, interest & excitment of life and supports a genuine desire to acheive what is wished in life.

~Crepe Myrtle~

Strengthens willpower; encourages one to rise rather than fall when challenged. Assists in finding unity within material world. 


Assists logical minds in integrating emotional awareness and balances the two.


Assists in releasing tension, anger & anxiety; cultivates natural balance & flow of life. Helpful with meditation.  


Assists in relieving depression & negative thought patterns; uplifts, brings clarity & positive change.

~Geranium Citronella~

Eases emotions & perceptions during transitions & change. Strengthens on'es faith in the future when feeling isolated, invisible, cut off-, burned out or unmotivated. 

~German Chamomile~

Allows for calm release of emotional tensions from stressful life situations & events. 


Supports full opening of chakra system to access greater range of energy information. Aligns one with their natural ebb & flow of internal energy, bringing balance within.


Assists in finding courage to be true to oneself in the face of peer pressure & courageously live a spiritual life. Supports process of becoming a Goldenrod of Divinity. Rebalances third eye chakra for enhanced clairvoyance.


Allows feelings of security & freedom when wishing to make new life choices & patterns. 


Supports repair of etheric memory body & releases cellular memories of abuse from current & past lives.

~Hot Lips Salvia~

Releases “us” vs. “them” mentality. Eases jealousy,  insecurity and expectations of others. Opens one to acceptance, collaboration & unity. 


Nurtures stubborn aspects of procrastination & lack of inspiration; assists in developing the creative nature within. 

(L-Z Flower Essence Tinctures):

~Lambs Ear~

Especially helpful for those who tend to be rough with words; Softens the aura to allow higher vibrations so as speak with gratitude.


Assists in releasing painful past traumas; rejuvenates, uplifts & floods body with vitality & joy. Activates kundalini energy at root chakra.

~Lily of the Valley~ 

Facilitates reconnection of energetic pathways that hold the knowledge of being a multidimentional human. Ideal when feeling disconnected from one's spiritual potential.


Ideal for skeptics, who have largely blocked the Light from their feminine side; gently encourages growth of positive insight & intuition. 

~Martagon Lily~

Developes the qualities of cooperation; strengthens ability to listen to others & fins collective solutions. Ideal for overly assrtive, prideful or domineering personalities. 


Assists in easing the unkind self-perceptions we hold; deepens on'es ability to receive love from self & others. 


Clears the mind of trivial pursuits so as to hear one's Inner Voice; Strengthen's Inner Light to reach one's highest potential. 


Calms electromagnetic overload by harmonizing one's energy fields with the meridian & chakra system; especially useful when feeling energetcally unstable. 


Fosters courage & resilience by helping us perceive difficult circumstances as opportunities for growth and transformation. Beneficial for those who feel persecuted, victimized or that life has been unfair for them.

~Pink Azalea~

 Helps in releasing fears & self-doubt with sharing talents & abilities. Aides in discerning between when best to be still & when to act.

~Pink Rose~

helpful during transitional times; releases & neutralizes deep-rooted fears as well as grief, anxiety & mild depression. Promotes inner calm by nourishing the heart. Highest frequency flower on the planet.

~Purple Pincushions~

Assists in knowing one’s infinite value; repairs “holes” in self-esteem caused by harsh opinions by self or others. Restores "Divine Pride".

~Red Rose~

Cools hot tempers and releases judgmental tendencies. Magnifies the unconditional Divine Love within, strengthening compassion for all.

~Red Canna~

Balances masculine & feminine aspects of Self. Accesses 10thchakra.


Assists those easily influenced/dominated by others, either due to shyness or people-pleasing tendancies who struggle with saying "no". Strengthens one's ability to set & maintain personal boundaries. 


Assists in establishing emotionally balanced communication; ideal for those who communicate with sarcasm, criticism or verbal hostility. Balances repressed or misdirected libido. 


Helpful to sensitive souls looking to withdraw from the harsh & mundane. increases energy within major chakras & strengthens outer layer of aura.  allows higher guidance to come thru from integrating wisdom gained from experiences of “lower” frequencies.

~Star of Bethlehem~

Supremely comforting for serious distress such as PTSD, anxiety disorder & OCD. Releases blocks, suppressions & compartmentalization of painful memories for complete healing.


Balances solar plexus. replaces insecurity projected as arrogance/pride with truer Self-identity; establishes foundation of noble leadership & right-action towards greater good. Also helpful to ease tensions with father or authority figures. 

~St. John’s Wort~

Assists with facing darkness within to assimilate awareness; breaks the habit of always expecting the worst to happen.


Broaden's one's ability to understand nd trust the ability to speak from the "feeling" realm; assists us in feeling comfortable with expressing our vunerabilities to others. 

~White Clover~

Encourages detachment & acceptance; releases the need to control. Induces inner stretch & peace.

~White Hydrangea~

Brings together fragmented information to calmly bring about a fuller wisdom. Assists the chaotic/splintered mind in becoming forgiving and whole.

~Yellow Yarrow~

For those overly influenced by their enviroment and/or others. Creates a protective energetic umbrella especially helpful when feeling vunerable or exposed. 

Suggested use:
5-7 drops in water or under tongue throughout day, or as inspired.

All flower tinctures are made in small batches; once they are gone, they are gone until the next bloom cycle (generally 1 year). For this reason, please contact Audra directly for available inventory.

$12 per 1oz glass dropper plus s&h, if applicable. 

*Prices subject to change*